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Safe Package Problem 📦

Hello, dear readers! Welcome back to my blog, where I share with you some of the most interesting and challenging puzzles I come across. Today, I have a very romantic puzzle for you, involving a ring, a lock box, and some padlocks. Sounds intriguing, right? Let me tell you the story.

Imagine you want to send your beloved a ring using a mail service that is notorious for opening packages and stealing valuables. To ensure the ring arrives safely it must be sent in a lock box, such as the one shown on the right, which has five holes for padlocks. (A padlock in any of the five holes will lock the box securely.)

You and your beloved have five padlocks each. You also have the keys for your own padlocks, but you don’t have the keys for each other’s padlocks. 

If you have unlimited money for postage, how are you able to send your beloved the ring?

This puzzle is called the SAFE PACKAGE Problem, and it is a classic example of a logic puzzle involving cryptography. Cryptography is the science of sending and receiving secret messages, using codes and ciphers. In this case, the lock box and the padlocks are like a cipher, and the keys are like a code. The challenge is to find a way to exchange the keys securely, without letting anyone else access them.
















There are many possible solutions to this puzzle, but I will share with you one of them that I find particularly elegant and clever. Here is how it goes:

  • Step 1: You put the ring in the lock box and lock it with one of your own padlocks. You then send the locked box to your beloved.
  • Step 2: Your beloved receives the locked box and adds one of their own padlocks to it. They then send the box back to you.
  • Step 3: You receive the box with two padlocks on it: yours and your beloved's. You remove your own padlock and send the box back to your beloved.
  • Step 4: Your beloved receives the box with only their own padlock on it. They unlock it with their own key and retrieve the ring.

Voila! You have successfully sent your beloved the ring without anyone else being able to open the box or steal it. Isn't that brilliant?

The beauty of this solution is that it uses a simple principle of cryptography called public-key encryption. This is a method of encrypting and decrypting messages using two different keys: a public key and a private key. The public key can be used by anyone to encrypt a message, but only the person who has the corresponding private key can decrypt it. In this puzzle, the padlocks are like public keys and the keys are like private keys. By exchanging padlocks, you and your beloved are effectively exchanging public keys, without revealing your private keys.

This puzzle also illustrates another important concept of cryptography called authentication. This is a way of verifying that a message comes from who it claims to come from. In this puzzle, by adding your own padlock to the box before sending it back, you are authenticating yourself as the sender. This way, your beloved can be sure that the box they receive is indeed from you and not from someone else who might have intercepted it.

I hope you enjoyed this puzzle as much as I did. If you have any other solutions or comments, please feel free to share them in the comments section below. And don't forget to subscribe to my blog for more puzzles and fun! Until next time, happy puzzling!
